Tuesday, September 05, 2006

i think i'm in the seventh grade.

on saturday afternoon, my friend stevie called to invite me to a cookout at her house on sunday night. i happily said yes, and because i like this sort of thing, offered to basically split the hostessing efforts with her. so we made our grocery lists and invitation list. while i baked brownies and such, she called everyone.

i arrived at her house early sunday evening to prepare... burgers and chicken, chips, baked beans, fruit, brownies and ice cream... for about fifteen people. now, those of you who enjoy hosting friends know that there is a certain amount of excitement that comes with the preparation, even if it is just grilling burgers and even if it is for people you already know well. the effort you go to isn't a burden - it is something you enjoy doing for other people. it had been quite some time since i had seen any of these people or even helped with something like this, so i was looking forward to the whole thing.

well, besides stevie and myself, two people showed up. TWO. and i dont mean that the others came late. or that they called to say they were lost. or that they called to say that something else came up that required their presence. or that they have called stevie since then to acknowledge that they said they would attend but didn't show up.

the four of us did have a good time that night, but it was overshadowed by the fact that we had expectations and food for fifteen.

now i know that this isn't the end of the world. but it is an example of why i had previously given up on making an effort to spend time with these "friends." i had been so irritated at their selfishness and immaturity in other situations that it had become more stressful than fun to hang out with them. when i would begin calling to invite them out, they always had to know who else was going. you see, people as insecure and gossip-y as them can't go anywhere without the right combination. more than once, an evening would fizzle AFTER i got to someone's house because they would find out who was and wasn't going. and you know how much a girl likes to get ready, only to have nowhere to go.

surprisingly, i am talking about males rather than females. i thought only women had rules about who they could and couldn't be seen with. what guy repeatedly acts like that?? but i thought that maybe things had changed... maybe i was overreacting to past behavior... maybe i needed to try again...

honestly, i will not be surprised in the LEAST if i find out that several of them went out together somewhere else. my disgust with them stems from many, many previous interactions like this. sunday night was just the icing on the cake.

so, i'm moving on. if they want to see me, they can make an effort. and they will - when their girlfriends dump them or when they finally get fed up with each other. and i'm pretty sure i won't be willing to try again. and i don't feel bad about that. i can forgive them and not be mad and yaddda yadda yadda, but i don't have to set myself up to be slighted by them for the millionth time.

i am so happy to have a select few friends who are consistently wonderful - some who live around the corner and some who live far away. they know who they are. they make all the difference.


Blogger Scott said...

Ooooohhhhhh MAN - Laura, I can't tell you how glad I am you wrote this...

First, I was beginning to think this kind of thing only happens to me (I have grown weary of preparing events for folks at church, only to have one or two actually show).

Second, I hope everyone else in the world reads this post, and realizes what a freakin' frustration this is.

Third, I've come to believe that in fact, we never EVER get to leave the seventh grade. Ever notice how newspapers and magazines (and even translations of the Bible) are written at a "seventh-grade reading level"? Yep, when it comes to the average everyday Joe Sixpack, we're taling about those darn "sevies" ;-)

Great post!

11:27 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

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11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even I'm angry now. curses to them!! don't give them the time of day anymore!!! or maybe we can come up with a good joke to play....

4:42 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Laura-- I can relate to what you say about continued efforts only to have the same things happen again and again. It hurts big time.

I hope you move on from these people. As seventh grade as it sounds, they don't deserve you.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you, Laura. Unfortunately, I think there are some people who never grow out of this. That's what makes 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade just as miserable. There are WAY too many freaks out there :)

6:39 PM  
Blogger Cole said...

What you didn't say is how four girls ate hamburgers, beans, brownies, and ice cream for 15. Now, THAT'S a blog posting.

Their loss, Commander.

5:33 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

scott, thanks! i know it's a good post when i get a "first, second, and third" out of ya.

j, i knew i could count on your scheming.

thanks, laurie.

you got here just in time, moses, er, marie... i don't understand a WORD you just said... HHHHHHHHH.

well, cole. please. remember the pineapple pancakes.

7:36 AM  
Blogger janet said...

yeah, i hate that sort of thing, too. and i kinda felt like it only happened to me as well. i get psychotic about trying not to disappoint people so it always surprises me when others give it so little thought. (i may not be making much sense, good post!)

11:16 AM  
Blogger Beverly said...

Girlfriend...I have found that its okay to say "Umm..yeah, I love you from a distance." Man, life is too short and you are adorable...have fun with those whom you love and love you! I would love to hang out with you!

this is beverly wondering if i should have used "who" instead of "whom"...maybe i got lucky..:)

Have a great week with the hamburger gang!

9:05 PM  
Blogger laura g said...

thanks, janet. even on "small" things like this, it is a relief to find out we aren't the only ones who have such experiences.

and thanks, beverly. don't worry, i think we get to make up the spelling, grammar, and punctuation when we blog. hey, i don't even capitalize anymore...

9:36 AM  

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