Sunday, October 08, 2006

We're trying to have a society here.*

On Saturday morning, I was loading my car on my way out of town for my cousin's wedding. (Stand by for future post about the wedding.) As I tossed my bag into the backseat, I looked over my car and down the parking lot a bit and saw that the two young boys I always see playing outside were, indeed, enjoying the perfect weather.

These nine- or ten-year-old boys climb the hill to reach the drainage culvert where they play after school most days, and all day on Saturdays. I have noticed them because they make me nervous, skateboarding down the edge of the culvert, climbing too high on the hill, and always - always - unsupervised. So when I see them, I always take a second look to make sure they aren't doing anything extra dangerous.

This time I saw the boys simultaneously rare back with giant rocks in their hands and throw them right through two windows on a car.

That's right.

They squealed with delight at the shattering glass. And then they noticed me - and took off. Knowing they weren't going far since they LIVE HERE, I ran back up to my apartment to get one last thing for my trip. I had almost convinced myself that I had not seen what I had just seen... so I drove down to that car to make sure. And I saw that those weren't the first two rocks that had been thrown at the car... there were several laying on the ground beneath rock-sized dents in the car doors.

I went to my complex office to report the boys and ask the staff to call the police. I had to leave since I had a three hour drive to the wedding, but they knew who I was if they needed me for a witness later. The maintenance guy who happened to be in the office knew who the boys were and had just seen them running to their apartment. He went to get the other maintenance guy as a witness, and they went to the boys' apartment together... I assume to have a word with them or their parents. The other employee implied she was going to call the police.

On Monday I am going to check to make SURE the staff did, in fact, call the police. If they didn't, I will after the fact. Those boys need an officer in their faces.

When I came home tonight, the car was gone and all of the glass and rocks were swept away. I hope the boys got it out of their system, especially since they saw me standing at my CAR.

*Cole says it, but I don't know where he got it.


Blogger Beverly said...

ummm..yeah..I never threw rocks only pinecones..

9:35 PM  
Blogger Cole said...

It's from Seinfeled (George says it).

Yeah, boys pretty much like to destroy things, especially glass. In Searcy, AR, where I went to college, there was this beautiful hardware store right on the main road with the biggest plate glass windows you've ever seen. Used to make me salivate.

6:38 AM  
Blogger janet said...

i tried to get in on a dirt clod fight with boys once, but i clocked in the head and started bleeding...thought my eyes were falling out, so that pretty much did it for me.

this was actually the first night we went to church in a new town and i was in 4th grade, and i basically met all the adults by running back in the foyer bleeding everywhere. the boys all got in trouble, which was ridiciulous, they didnĀ“t mean to hurt me...anyway..good memories!

and let us know how it turns out with your delinquents.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet thats the same brats that stole my car.

I got busted shooting bb guns at a mailbox once...but geez kids have gotten bold these days.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were these boys in my neighborhood who used to torture the family at the end of the street. One time they intentionally rode their bikes into the garage door so many times that it looked like a car drove into it. Unfortunately, those kids were my brothers. Fortunately, the neighbors never called the police. They still turned out okay and neither has a criminal record (that I know of). I should also add that they didn't actually have their own bikes. They used the purple huffys with banana seats that belonged to my sister and me when we were young.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heres something funny. I totaly just watched that episode of seinfeld last night.

George is waiting to get the pay phone at the chinese restaurant, and when the chance comes, some lady takes it, and after claiming that he was waiting she replies: "I didn't see you."


8:36 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

so it seems my apartment complex doesn't care about the aforementioned vandalism. they never told the police about it, and they won't follow up with me to get a statement or tell me what happened to the boys, like they said they would.

the car owner did not report it either, which leads me to believe maybe the kids beat up their own parents' car. let me tell you, if MY child vandalized my car, or any other car for that matter, they would have quite a long visit with a police officer, preferably at a police station, preferably in a cold room with one table and two chairs.

since i had a feeling the complex did not report it to a real police officer, i called the police myself last night. of course, since it wasn't my car and they aren't my children, all they can do is take my name and call me if the owner ever does need a witness.

oh well...

9:19 AM  

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