Friday, June 01, 2007


Did anyone else watch the National Spelling Bee last night? You'll only say "boring" if you didn't watch it. I was so nervous for each kid as they listened to a word they had never heard of before, then had to spell it on national television, not to mention with their parents on stage behind them.

Several years ago, I watched the movie Spellbound. It follows eight kids (and their families) as they prepare for and then compete in the National Spelling Bee. If I hadn't seen that movie, I never would have watched part of the Bee last night. They spend HOURS AND HOURS practicing words. Every day for YEARS. The kids are brilliant. The parents are odd. It was fascinating. And just like in little league sports, the parents can be more into it than the participating kids.

Anyway, last night I was pulling for the kid who came in second. If I remember correctly, he had never been to this competition before, but the other kid had, so I wanted the first-timer to win. He was a crowd-charmer too. But you could tell the winner instantly recognized his last word.

You should all put Spellbound in the ol' Netflix cue.


Blogger Katie said...

I was in the National Spelling Bee - twice! In 1997 and 1998, my compulsive studying paid off and my family and I got to spend a WEEK in Washington, D.C. (which has significantly contributed to D.C. being my favourite American city).

I never made it to the final rounds - I didn't spend as many hours as a LOT of those kids. But it was a thrill to be there, and the experience is definitely one-of-a-kind. I didn't catch the Bee this year, but I really and truly know EXACTLY how those spellers feel.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

I can hardly spell anything, so the dictionary and I have become fast friends. I am always amazed at stories of these whiz kids, but the intensity of the competition makes me so nervous! I am sure I wouldn't have been able to watch parts of the show.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

My brother told me I had to see Spellbound...I'll rent that baby soon.

Katie was in a national spelling bee..oh my gosh...I'm friends with a national speller...

The picture of you and your little puppy huddled together biting your nails for those little spellers is precious!

2:52 PM  
Blogger Cole said...

Was the puppy biting its nails, too?

9:07 AM  

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