Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Well, you see, we've had a hurricane."

Thanksgiving was good with Mom and Dad. We ate ourselves silly because even though it was just the three of us this year, Mom cooked like there were twenty three of us. I went on long walks with Dad to make up for it though.

Orange was really ugly (enter Caron making hand sign for ugly) after the storm. I never noticed how ugly most of the houses are and how a lot of people don't have grass in their yards... why make pretty houses that will just get covered in pine sap and why landscape with something attractive when the pines give all the shade you need? So now, with WAAAY less trees, all you see is ugly sap-covered houses set back on lots with sandy yards and big sinkholes in them where trees used to grow.

I suspect that many of the damaged businesses will sit crumbling and rotting for years to come. There is no real incentive to make it sparkle. Economic development wasn't exactly streaming into town before the storm. After all, it is Orange, and it hasn't sparkled since it's shipbuilding days.

Now, if you spent any length of time with my family, you'd know that we have a tendency to latch on to comments and use them for the rest of our lives. (Similar to Cole thinking things are funny forever.) There have been several real winners over the years that just won't die. Out of context, they aren't funny, so I'll spare you. Our newest one is, "Well, you see, we've had a hurricane." It is now the multi-purpose excuse for why something has not been accomplished. People are actually already using this crutch, er, legitimate explanation to absolve themselves of all personal responsibility for their actions or lack thereof. Amazing how a hurricane prevents students from completing assignments that were due before the hurricane ever formed in the Gulf. This weekend, the hurricane prevented me from making up my bed, putting dishes in the dishwasher, and ironing my clothes for church. Instead, the hurricane made me take naps, eat a second slice of oreo cheesecake, and watch cable tv all weekend.


Blogger Scott said...

Is that tenable in Hawaii as well?

I've gotta go to the beach and get some sun instead of working because, well...

Oh, wait - I don't have a real job - never mind.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Cole said...

LOL, Commander.

7:43 AM  
Blogger janet said...

that's funny! we were always doing that in college, sticking with a phrase forever. one of our favorites was originally from a sports announcer who said, "i can sum that up in two words: you never know."
the whole phrase is so stupid, that we just used it to fill in gaps in conversation or when you had to give a response, but didn't really have anything to say.

3:37 PM  

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