Thursday, December 08, 2005

is this normal?

1) A guy from a roofer company left an advertisement on Dad's door yesterday. (Perhaps the giant blue FEMA tarp tipped him off that Dad might be interested.) Dad called him, and the guy came to the house today to give an estimate. The company is based in Arlington but has recently localized in southeast Texas for obvious reasons. As they chatted, Dad mentioned that they had evacuated to my sister's place in Arlington. Turns out, the guy used to live on the same street with an address just one number off from hers.

2) As I helped a coworker with a project this week, we started talking about our families and discovered that she went to high school with my parents. Her husband played football with my dad. Her husband also had my grandmother for a biology teacher. (And my grandmother remembers him clearly, as she does all of her former students.)

3) On my flight from Houston to Nashville after Thanksgiving, a guy was asked to change seats so that a family could use his row. He moved, sat on my row and struck up a conversation, during which I learned: he is from Hendersonville (where I live now), the building where he used to attend church is now the building where my church meets, he is best friends with my current preacher's son at college, and his college roommate has been on a mission trip to New Zealand.

4) My Boston-friend Karen was named after my Abilene-friend Caron.

5) When I moved here, I met a girl who went to Harding. She remembers Cole and Mark. Also, her best college friend accompanied my sister to Kenya when they (attending different colleges and never having met before) spent nine months teaching school to the children of the missionaries.

6) My current supervisor at work went to ACU when Ed was there.

it's a small world. and frankly, sort of creepy.


Blogger Scott said...

Yep, your world is pretty creepy.

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love coincidences. This is not a coincidence, but just a "missing LauraGORE! moment"--I decorated my Christmas tree and hung a wreath (bought off of ebay and not one I spent upwards of twenty hours on) a couple of weeks ago and MISSED you! I'm having a Christmas Caroling Party on the 15th, wanna fly in?

7:36 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

scott - thaaaanks.

wheeza! are you caroling along the South 11th Corridor?

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LauraGoRE! You better believe it! I'm forcing The Hall of Presidents to make concessions to my now-lonely neighborhood. (Mainly 'cause it's better!)

7:37 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

We should turn this Hall of Presidents/South 11th Corridor thing into a game of Monopoly... buying up all the houses and businesses nearby for renovation and re-sale... let's see who can make the most money at it.

6:58 PM  
Blogger laura g said...

ed - it is bill smith. sorry it wasn't a memorable last name like costanza. he said he was probably the guy sitting under the tree across from you peacefully listening to you play your guitar as you both skipped class.

7:34 PM  

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