Tuesday, December 19, 2006

anniversary gift list by year

as i flipped through the pages of my new calendar/planner, i found a page entitled "anniversary gift list by year." i've seen such a list before, but never actually read it until now. it was more entertaining than you might think.

for example:
on your 1st anniversary, you should receive paper, plastics, or clocks. paper or plastic WHAT? cardstock and spoons?

on your 24th anniversary, you should receive musical instruments. happy anniversary honey; enjoy your banjo.

on your 26th, you get original pictures. do stick figure drawings count?

on your 38th, you get beryl and tourmaline. assuming you've heard of either.

on your 41st, you get land.

on your 42nd, you get improved real estate.

on your 43rd, you get a trip.

and since those are three mighty expensive years in a row, on your 44th, you get groceries. GROCERIES! unless by "groceries" they mean "he does the grocery shopping happily and correctly for the entire year," that year is gonna be a problem.


Blogger Scott said...

SEXIST!!! For shame, Commander!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Cole said...

Well, Laura, we must be married already. I have already given you land (on Gore Ave. in Honolulu), paper/plastic (when I bought you Cold Stone Creamery), groceries (from the Wal Mart on Keeamoku), and music (when I played that song for you).

Where's mine?

6:35 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Did you give her beryl and tourmaline, Cole? And did you REALLY pay for her groceries, or just accompany her to the Wal-Mart on Keeaumoku?

6:39 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

scott, just trying to keep up the smarmy reputation.

cole, YOU bought ME cold stone like YOU whipped ME in tennis.

katie, nope. karen and i paid for our own ten dollar grapes at the grocery.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Um, let's make another thing clear: Cole pays for groceries in the same manner that he helps carry them out.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Oh, I remember those ten-dollar grapes! They were yummy, too. I helped eat them. :)

6:38 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...


I changed my blog address to http://www.deuxbijoux.blogspot.com/

Just wanted you to know. Merry Christmas!!!

8:29 AM  
Blogger laura g said...

thanks, laurie! i was worried when i saw your first site gone! merry christmas to you and the fam, too.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Merry Christmas, Laura!

4:28 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

Merry Christmas, girl, love knowing you!

11:35 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Happy Christmas, LauraG.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

beingselfish.com - go there - see why Scott's last name is "Self"

3:30 PM  

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