Friday, March 03, 2006

Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon. I'm running out of options here, people.

I visited my local Verizon Wireless store back in September because my cell phone began rapidly losing battery life during short conversations on a full charge. There was also something funny going on with calls and voicemails. The rep was too busy to actually listen to me explain the symptoms and hurriedly switched out my old battery for a new one and sent me on my way, no charge.

Now, just six months later, my phone is dying again. The same problem with a new battery says to me, the problem isn't the battery. So this week, I visited the Verizon store again. The rep informed me that, OF COURSE, my warranty expired in December, so a free battery swap is not an option.

Fine by me, because it isn't the battery. But I am eight months away from my $100 credit towards a new phone. And if I upgrade now, I pay full price, sign another two year contract, and promise my firstborn child. So that rep did the system update on my phone, and told me to come back if that didn't fix it. It didn't fix it.

I went back last night. The first thing this rep said to me was, "Your warranty expired in December. This is March, you know. It's MARCH. Not December. It's six months later, here in March." At that point, other customers tuned in to our conversation, anticipating a scene. I argued my point that I brought this problem to Verizon's attention while my phone WAS under warranty, their misdiagnosis is the reason it wasn't taken care of THEN, and I should have the same options that I would have if the warranty was still in effect. She and her attitude didn't budge.

I left and called the national line for customer service. The very nice rep listened to me and even offered to ask his supervisor what they could do for me. Nice, but again, paralyzed by the written prompts regarding my warranty being up. Now I KNOW they can do ANYTHING to any account they want. People get bill credits, tech upgrades, etc all the time when they call with issues. You can't convince me there is no flexibility with the written rules. I am not asking for a $300 new phone. Just something comparable to what I have. Is that so unreasonable?

I drove to another Verizon store to plead my case. Even though it was three hours before closing time, all of the employees with access to the necessary system were gone for the day. It was peak time for customers to drop by after work, but the store was staffed by people who couldn't do anything for ya.

Today I have emailed my case to Verizon. Assuming someone in Verizon cyberspace actually reads those emails, I should have a response in a week or so. They have no idea how stubborn I am about things like this. Stand by.


Blogger Cole said...

this is a time and occasion for syllogistic reasoning. you must ask the rep you are talking to ¨do you belive my request is unreasonable?¨until they answer you. once they say ¨well, no¨ then you have them. of course it is not unreasonable, but you are rushing them to the punch by asking for a reconsideration on the warranty. try this first.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Ooooh, Cole's response is better than mine. I woulda just called 'em "poopheds" ... and then let one on the way out.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well this is pretty typical of a large company. I mean seriously, I doubt the person you talked to really has the authority to do what you want them to do, and I feel for the people who have to make those decisions. they deal with a lot of crappy angry people (excluding you laura. :) )and you can't go givn' free cell phones to everyone. Problem is that the reps are un-empowered morons. that have no customer service skills. and quite frankly, they probably don't give a crap. they hire these people to sell sell sell sell. thats all they know. whenever you find a cell phone company NOT like this, let me know.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unacceptable. At least your bill will go down now that we have to keep our conversations under an hour!

5:00 PM  
Blogger laura g said...

cole, they say they do agree my phone shouldn't be malfunctioning and that my request isn't unreasonable. but they still act like they can't do anything outside of their standard rules. the first thing they look up is whether or not my warranty is still in effect, and when they see it is expired, it is their defense.

scott, thanks for the suggestion. i'll... um... consider that.

renae, i'd like to let you work in HR for a week in several places to tidy up!

jj, i guess not every company can have customer service skills like yours.

7:52 AM  

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